Assessment reform in a single click with NextAssess
Outdated assessments are failing our students. Join NextAssess to transform your assessments instantly and prepare students for the future.
Why Choose NextAssess?
Streamline Assessment Processes and Enhance Academic Integrity
Future Proof Learning
Integrate AI and focus on relevant skill sets to prepare students for the digital future.
Cut Costs and Time by >95%
Let NextAssess redesign your assessments, cutting time spent and costs by at LEAST 95%!!
Ensure Best Practice
Align your assessments with the latest pedagogy and ensure they meet the highest standards. Solve academic integrity challenges.
Transform Assessments in 3 Simple Steps
1. Input or Choose Assessment
Simply provide your current assessment details to NextAssess. You can upload or describe single assessment items. You can even choose 'programmatic assessment'.
2. NextAssess does the rest!
Our tool redesigns your assessments, whether you want to integrate AI or focus on human-centric skill sets. Our tool ensures your new assessment still hits all of the key learning objectives.
3. Edit, save, download, DONE
Each custom assessment comes with a grade-appropriate outline (aligned with AQF standards), student-friendly description, and marking rubric. All assessments are aligned with TEQSA and HESF guidelines.
Ready to Transform Assessments?
Join the List Now for a free Demo!
Solve the assessment reform problem with NextAssess and deliver relevant, next-gen education to your students.
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